Stephanie and Steve
Wedding Engagement Session
Buttermilk Falls ~ Beaver County, PA
Northwest of Pittsburgh, PA
If you follow this blog you will notice a familiar setting. Buttermilk Falls
I try to take photographs at this location in all four seasons since the look is similar but not the same. In the winter, the falls are a large frozen mass. In the spring, the water is flowing fast and furious with a tremendous roar making normal speech a challenge to be heard. The amazing part about photographing in the spring over any other time of the year is the size of the falls and the look that can be created.
I love to look at images with a water falls that has the soft creamy look. This effect is easily obtained by slowing down the shutter to 1/15 second or slower. However, the challenge is when there are people in the photo and standing on slick mud on a hillside without a tri-pod. I asked the couple to stand as still as possible and I crouched low and braced my arms on my body. This enabled me to hand hold this shot at 1/15 second which created the dreamy look.
Buttermilk Falls Portraits |
Wedding Engagement Buttermilk Falls |
After spending at least thirty minutes around the falls, we decided it was time to go to the spot above the falls which presents a beautiful view of the falls and surrounding area.
Steve brought his Harley and I couldn't pass up grabbing a few shots of it when the sun was nearly gone.
Harley Davidson Beaver Falls |
Silhouette with Parasol |
High School Senior Portraits and Weddings by dr Frank
Specializing in Wedding and Portrait Photography
Beaver County, Pittsburgh, and surrounding communities.