I write this as I think about a dear friend of mine who recently died. How many photos do we have of him? How many photos does his family have of him laughing and enjoying life? Ten, twenty, or thirty years from now when our families and friends look back on our lives, will they have enough pictures to remember what took place through the various seasons of life.
Those around me, know that I bring my camera everywhere I can. I take pictures of life, as it happens and as we 'pose' it happening. I want to help folks remember life's little events that make up our wonderful lives. I do hope this is not depressing or too
philosophical. I get this way during holidays and special moments of life. Did I get enough pictures? Did I capture the mood and 'tone' of the event? Will everyone that wants a picture get one? Does everyone look their best in the picture? Did I forget anything? Then later when everything settles down and I put my head on the pillow to go to sleep, I smile and tears of joy flow down my cheek as I think how wonderful it is to capture the beauty of life.
As we enter into the holiday seasons where folks gather around for Christmas dinners, New Year 'parties', and other celebrations, I hope you are able to use the skills you gained as a photographer to capture the beauty of life as you enjoy it unfolding. Get out and take pictures of everything and share them with others! Don't forget to print a few and post on your walls to admire and enjoy. Yea, I know, we post them on the web, on our facebook wall and other electronic places. But there is nothing like the appeal of a picture you enjoy when you look up from your desk.
This is an image of the edge of the patio off our porch. The most important question in life; is Christ in you?
Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: