Will this camera become the end all for video work? No, but in many cases, it will surpass your basic video camcorder. With this thought - below is a video I shot of my daughter singing during an event I photographed. Since the event had 4 showings, I was able to capture the video in one show and photographed her and the others during other showings.
1. This is directly out of the camera with zero modifications by me. Vimeo does do some encoding but other than this, nothing was done to the video.
2. ISO 2000-2500 - auto white balance - f/2.8 - Tamron 17-50 non VR lens on a induro Monopod
3. Manual focus and exposure set prior to starting the video
4. Hand hurt after from pressing down on the camera to ensure it didnt move (but it did move some) :-D
5. Eyes blurred from tears - watching - hearing my daughter sing
6. I have used the video setting during a few recent weddings, receptions, and other events. I added some of the video clips to the shows. (My plan is to present them on this blog and discuss them for your use.)
Should you buy this camera just for the video? It depends. Since this camera was released, Nikon released the D3100 and D7000. Reports show the video on both of those cameras are better than the video on this camera. However, if using CF cards and a few other features that the D300s has that the other two do not, then I would purchase this camera. With the rebates Nikon is offering now combined with tremendous lenses, the price is very good. However, the D3100 is less than $1000 and will do a great job for most folks.
Nikon D7000 16.2MP DX-Format CMOS Digital SLR with 3.0-Inch LCD (Body Only)
Nikon D3100 14.2MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR Nikkor Zoom Lens
Victory Christmas 2010 Stacey from Frank Kendralla on Vimeo.