These images are from a recent wedding at the Montour Heights Country Club in Moon Twp, PA. It is located north of Pittsburgh, PA and is a beautiful setting for an outdoor wedding ceremony. There are hundreds of possible portrait locations located on the golf course and within the facilities. In fact, it is a photographers dream but it is very easy to enter into information overload.
These images were shot after the festivities for the day ended. We traveled to an area of the golf course that had a tunnel under the main roadway and is mainly used for golf carts and maintenance vehicles. Therefore, it was clean and dry. We wanted a very unique and interesting look to end the day and utilized different lighting sources to help create the look. One of the country club's employees took us to this location in their SUV and we positioned it at the entrance of the tunnel. I had him keep the headlights on to backlight the couple. This effect separates them from disappearing into a black hole from the lack of any source of backlight and created a hair light which helps make them glow.
The second light used was a video style light called the Doug Gordon Tourch Light. I had our helper hold it on the subject's face from a 45 degree angle on half power. This provided two items. 1. Enough light for me to focus on the subject. 2. Basic fill light. He held in his other hand a Nikon SB800 which I fired from the camera. I utilized Nikon's creative light system (CLS) and TTL to fire the flash remotely.
These were taken with the Nikon D300 and Tamron 17-50 f/2.8. ISO - 1600, f/2.8, 1/60 second, hand held at various focal lengths.
When I do not have a helper, I utilize lightweight light stands that fold to less than 30 inches from Manfrotto. These lightstands fit neatly in a large duffel bag and has room for umbrellas and other lighting tools.
Lighting is only one part of this equation. Posing is critical to make a very unique look for each couple. The most important element, the subject. It is critical to create a fun and interesting situation that will enable you to make images the subject 'loves'.