Photo by Frank Kendralla
Taken in the lobby of Embassy Suites, Cleveland, Ohio Processed in Lightroom 3.x and Noise Ninja
Automobile University – Recommended reading - listening
Before I start on the list of recommended reading, I want to emphasize the need to listen, read, and study books and other life developing items. I heard many quotes that made an impact on my thinking. What value is the ability to read and how different are you than those that cannot read, if you do not read. Another statement but not quoted exactly. Five years from now, you will be no different than who you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. (To add one point to this, plus what you implement into your life.)
As I stated in my previous post, I listen to many different Podcast and in the future, I will post a few of my suggestions. Below is an overview of books that I recommend without hesitation. I spend a lot of time traveling and this affords me some “free” time to read and listen to books. I also get up before the birds to add extra time to each day. One thing that I learned over the years is that everyone gets the same amount of time each day. What we do with the time given to us is very critical. Do not forget to spend time in meditation and prayer. Sometimes, a quiet drive or somewhat quiet time on an airplane will give us time to meditate on something we heard or read.
I never was good at keeping my notes organized and therefore I have too many notebooks. If you are an organized note taker, then I suggest keeping a diary like book to organize your life’s notes.
I highly recommend purchasing a wide margin Bible and begin writing your thoughts and notes in the margin of your Bible. Within the Bible, study and learn the Gospel of John, Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians. (For audio learning, obtain an animated copy of the Bible and for study a copy of the KJV by Alexander Scourby.) Once you study and learn these books, study Proverbs and Psalms. These two books will change your thought process.
The following are not in any particular order.
- • For the believer, the book “Chemistry of the Blood” by M.R. DeHaan
- Its not on audio
- • Anything by John Maxwell on leadership – specifically
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:
- Developing the Leader Within You
- • Dave Ramsey (Anything)
- Total Money Makeover
- Listen to his daily radio show or Podcast
- • Dan Miller
- 48 Days to the work you love
- No More Mondays
- Weekly Podcast
- Blog
- • Og Mandino
- The greatest Salesman in the world
- o He has many other books and if you like his writing style then start on his other books.
- • Napoleon Hill
- o Think and Grow Rich
- • Andy Andrews (All of his audio books are amazing.)
- o The Noticer (A must read – listen)
- o The Lost Choice (Amazing book but it might require multiple times through to obtain all the information since it is filled with amazing truths.)
- • John Miller
- o QBQ (Question behind the question.)
- • Bob Burg, John David Mann
- o The Go – Giver
- • James Allen
- o As a Man Thinketh
- • Glenn Beck
- o Christmas Sweater
- Regardless of political thought, this book will get you thinking. (It isn’t about politics.)
- • David Allen
- Getting things done
- • Zig Ziglar
- Get everything and anything you can from him
- o Podcast
- o See you at the top
- o Biscuits, peas, pump handles (audio)
- • Dr. Bob Jones Sr.
- o Do Right
- • Joe McNally
- Hot Shoe Diaries
- Photography book about lighting and using small strobes
- • Tom Butler – Bowden
- o 50 Success Classics
- • Robert T. Kiyosaki
- o Rich Dad Poor Dad
- • Jay Conrad Levinson
- o Guerilla Marketing
- • Thomas J. Stanley
- o Millionaire Mind
- o The Millionaire Next Door
- o Stop acting rich
- • Dr. Gary Smalley
- o The DNA of relationships
Depending on your pursuits in life, I have many other recommended books. If you are a believer, then I can give you many other authors to begin reading. If you want to learn more about healthy alternatives then I have another collection of books that I started reading in the 70’s that will get you thinking. Photography related books are a different story as well as many other subjects. If you want a movie that will get you thinking, try the movie, “Fireproof” with Kirk Kameron. If you enjoy good wholesome movies, check out Netflix and their amazing collection of hundreds of wholesome family movies. My wife and I enjoy a good life lesson movie and watch many each month via Netflix’s movie collection. If you want to learn about homeschooling or other books on learning, my wife has a collection of must-reads.
I have read countless computer/technology related books and continue to read manuals and other books that enable me to advance this God given talent and skill. Some of the books that I have read are great if you have insomnia and should be marketed as a sleep aid, while others are not good to read at bedtime because you will want to keep reading and not sleep.
I enjoy reading books with quotes and short anecdotes. They supply my mind with witty and fast thoughts. (Not always a good thing when in a business setting but it does bring a quick smile and usually a laugh.)
Finally, study the art of time and life prioritization. Over twenty years ago, I listened to a collection of tapes (I cannot remember the author or exact title) about time prioritization. It changed my thought process on time. We cannot manage time, since each second that goes by, is lost into history forever. However, we can prioritize our time. Value the time you have with your Lord, spouse, and family. This time cannot be regained nor can we change its impact on us.
Love life and live it to its fullest.
dr Frank
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